Friday, October 19, 2012

Windows RT Runs NO, yes NO Windows programs not even One. It's not Windows in anyway , shape or form.

Yes thats right. Microsoft is confusing the heck out of users so lets just say this once and for all. Windows RT is not and will never be Windows as you know it.
Lets list the facts:

Windows RT is a totally new platform.
Windows RT is not in anyway Windows.
Windows RT Cannot install or run even one Windows application.
Windows RT cannot run or install any Windows Phone Apps, No not even one.

So there you go. Don't think if you buy a Windows RT Tablet that you'll be able to install anything but whats in the Windows RT app store which frankly is next to nothing, You can't even install an existing Windows phone app. This is totally crazy and it is very misleading.

So lets say it again Windows RT is NOT Windows and should be called something completely different.
Remove the word Windows completely maybe just called it Microsoft RT.

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