Friday, October 05, 2012

Why Windows 8 Made me love Windows 7 more . Out the door, back in the door, and repeat.
Over the years , and yes I mean years I have used just about every OS on the planet. From my first days running DR DOS on my 8mhz dual 5 1/4" flopped XT IBM computer, thru OS2 from IBM all sorts of Windows , Linux Distros and OSX. Have I tried them all? No, that would be pretty impossible. Though I have used some interesting things like GEO Works. Boy I wish I still had a copy of the and Windows 3.11. Anyway I digress:

I had been using Windows 8 (alongside OSX ) for the last few months and somethings I have liked and others … well, not so much. I was doing a few updates on my beast of a Hackintosh and found a VM image of Windows 7. So I though lets boot it up. I did and was I surprised. Hey this looks nice, very polished, runs smooth and easy to get around. After using it for half an hour it become blindingly obvious to me that what I was enjoying most over all after the pretty looks was the fact I didn't have to go out the door and back in all the time to do a lot of things. So what am I on about. Some people have obviously talked of this before but not using my analogy of the doors. Windows 8 is a lot schizophrenic. Seems like there is always another layer I have to go through to get something done. By layer I mean door.
The fact I have to go out the door of the desktop and outside almost to the start menu and then back in the door to the main menu all the time is a giant pain in the "Talk about inefficiency".
It's like being forced to run multiple despots at the same time and the only way to start sometime new is to go to the other desktop and fire it up and then back to the desktop again. So it's out the door grab the "thing" go back in the door. Then repeat. There always seems to be an extra layer to go through which is just not nice. As a big fan of a simple clean desktop, yes I love OSX though it isn't perfect, I found Windows 7 a lot cleaner and with less layers to get to something. I am not a fan of the apps either. Frankly they such on a desktop computer. Try looking at an app on a 46" screen! Just plain dumb. Trying to be all things to all men just isn't working. So do I hate windows 8? Not at all. It's got some major upsides. Not the least of all is its a speed demon. I hate its look, 2D and flat looks like a cheap toy to me.
So why did Microsoft go to all this trouble to make something great and others drive you plan nuts? I mean they spent a lot of time polishing up to Windows 7, taking some nice cues from OSX and people really loved it. They did a great job of Windows 7.
Windows 8 will be great on a touch screen type tablet. Thats really it. They had to get into this space. I makes sense but as I said trying to be all things to all men is not going to work well at this stage.
So what would we like them to do? Well just make the start screen less intrusive and maybe even be able to shrink it down on the desktop left corner almost like a start menu of windows 7. Yes they could modify it a bit. No problems there. Just don't make it take over the whole screen . The new start screen has one thing I really like . When you open it just start tiping a few letter of the app you want and bash the space bar and your away. Why do I like this? Well it reminds me a lit like spotlight on OSX. Hit the common plus space bar , type sat hit enter and bam safari is running. Only difference is it didn't force take over the whole screen and back again. Thats kind of an inefficient use of graphics/screen realist ate and cpu power. Totally not needed at all.

So, I'm back to Windows 7 for my Microsoft OS use. It feeeeeeeeeeeellllls sooooooo much nicer and smoother to me. I don't have to have these flashes of total screen changes all the time which is hard on the eyes after a while. Of course Microsofts really avenger her is to sell more stuff. The new surfaces they will release soon and other tablet type devices, and of course probably the main reason in my eyes, Windows phone 8. (No it's not Windows 8 Phone) all microsofts screens on all there devices will look the same. Yes the same. Oh look, a Windows Phone 8 device, I know how to use this its just the same as my windows desktop (which sucks) and my windows 8 tablet device.

Ok rant over. Back to Ableton Live on my Macbook Air to make some soothing music.

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