Monday, April 23, 2012

Windows 8 -The Trojan Horse of Smart Phones
trojan horse
Today I was reading a few reports on how Nokia seems to be going down the tubes. Evidently It's burning it's cash reserves and it's quarterly reports are not looking good. People seem to think they are in trouble, heading down a dead end road and that choosing WIndow's Phone and hooking up with an exclusive deal with Microsoft (which effectively has shut out any deals to load Android on their smart phones) was a big mistake.
I have to agree thats on the surface of things it's not looking great for either Nokia or Windows phone in general. But we need to remember that Microsoft, tends to be slow at moving and is often late to the game. But Microsoft also has a long history of destroying the competition when they finally get there. I can't see them backing off here at all. Sure Android has stolen a lot of the low end market which has been Nokia's traditional cash cow. Things do change though. I predict a transition is happening in the current smartphone market from a 2 horse race to one with a solid third horse nipping at the others heals and who knows maybe eventually pushing up front with the current leaders . Nothing stays constant in Tech. The public , as Nokia has found this quarter, can turn their back very quickly on a company they are loyal too and head off in another direction.
So what am I seeing here? Its seems that there is a Trijan horse lurking in the wings. One that could, as all Trojan horses are suppose to, slide in the back door looking all innocent, but then release a surprise that can cause a real stir. Ok I here most of you saying that I am being ridiculous here. This isn't going to happen, Nokia is going down and Android is gonna finish them off in the next 12 months. That Windows phone is dead in the water. Sure the Lumina is a nice phone but even the European carriers are saying, "no thanks". Give us Android.
My predictions is based on the imminent release of Windows 8. Over the next 2 years I see it unfolding like this.
Windows 8 will be released. It will be shoved in the have of millions of PC users who will have no choose when they buy a new system. They are going to grumble and then over time get use to and dear I say even begin to like certain things about the Metro interface. Metro being whats basically on a Windows Smartphone will start to become very familiar to people and they will find it a lot easier to accept the different interface it presents. They will start to see that this is awesome on a smartphone and a tablet, a lot more than it is on their desktop system. So there is the trojan horse. The Windows 8 Metro interface which is the Windows smartphone interface which is the Nokia smartphone interface (amongst other smartphone manufacturers) It'll take time, but it will happen. Microsoft knows how to come from behind, it has a money the marketing and most of all the weight of Windows desktop OS behind it. Thats a huge weight and realm of influence.

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