Tuesday, March 06, 2012

IOS Runs Html5 Games Much Faster Than On The Android OS.

Spaceport's (http://spaceport.io/) has just completed a new study on mobile game platforms that clearly shows that Apple's iOS runs HTML5 games three times faster than the Android operating system, reports "VentureBeat" (http://macte.ch/igwYf).
Spaceport.io created a benchmark dubbed PerfMarks to test performance at running HTML5 code. The benchmark tested a device’s ability to animate image movement. The report measured the number of moving images on a screen at 30 frames per second (FPS), a frame rate which provides a near-native user experience.
Repeated tests show that iOS performed far better at running animations than Android, notes "VentureBeat.
Here are a few of the results.
Pad 2 score 327
iPhone 4S scored 252
Samsung Galaxy Nexus smartphone scored 147
iPhone 3GS 53
Kindle Fire scored 25.

The new Android Galaxy Nexus was the only Android smartphone that could handle images at 30 frames per second, the article adds.

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